- Create a branch named release.
- Remove the -SNAPSHOT suffix from the version number in the pom.xml.
- Adapt change log file src/changes/changes.xml.
- Execute the Jenkins job teetime-release to build and to deploy the site (on github) and the project (on maven central).
- Login on sonatype to move the new uploaded version from the auto-generated repository to the release repository (a.k.a. maven central) by
- clicking on Staging repositories on the right side bar,
- selecting the auto-generated repository, and
- clicking on the copy (?) button (auto-drop should be enabled).
- Tag the commit and push it.
- Merge the release branch into the master.
- Delete the release branch.
- Create a Github release for TeeTime.
- Switch to the master branch.
- In the pom.xml, increment the version number.
- Add the -SNAPSHOT suffix to the version number.
- Commit and push the master branch.