Ready-to-use Stages
picture | stage name | input/output signature | consume/produce signature* | fully qualified class name | description |
Distributor | 1:n | 1:1 | Code (teetime.stage.basic.distributor.Distributor) JavaDoc (teetime.stage.basic.distributor.Distributor) |
Passes the incoming element of its input port to one or all of its output ports. It selects the output port depending on the chosen distribution strategy. | |
Merger | n:1 | 1:1 | Code (teetime.stage.basic.merger.Merger) JavaDoc (teetime.stage.basic.merger.Merger) |
Passes the incoming element of one of its input ports to its output port. It selects the input port depending on the chosen merge strategy. | |
TODO | InitialElementProducer | 0:1 | 0:1 | Code (teetime.stage.InitialElementProducer) JavaDoc (teetime.stage.InitialElementProducer) |
This stage successively outputs the elements of its list and terminates afterwards. |
TODO | ObjectProducer | 0:1 | 0:1 | Code (teetime.stage.ObjectProducer) JavaDoc (teetime.stage.ObjectProducer) |
This stage creates an element of a given (primitive) type and sends it to the stage’s output port. This procedure is repeat for a given number of times. Afterwards, this stage terminates. |
CollectorSink | 1:0 | 1:0 | Code (teetime.stage.CollectorSink) JavaDoc (teetime.stage.CollectorSink) |
Collects the incoming elements in an internal list. | |
Clock | 0:1 | 0:1 | Code (teetime.stage.Clock) JavaDoc (teetime.stage.Clock) |
Outputs the current timestamp in a user-defined regular time interval. | |
TODO | Counter | 1:1 | 1:1 | Code (teetime.stage.Counter) JavaDoc (teetime.stage.Counter) |
Counts the passed elements. |
TODO | Directory2FilesFilter | 1:1 | 1:n | Code ( JavaDoc ( |
Outputs the child files of the incoming directory. The recursivity and the output order can be configured. |
TODO | FileExtensionSwitch | 1:n | 1:1 | Code (teetime.stage.FileExtensionSwitch) JavaDoc (teetime.stage.FileExtensionSwitch) |
Passes the incoming file from the stage’s input port to the stage’s output port which represents the file#s file extension. |
— * per single execution of the stage