picture stage name input/output signature consume/produce signature* fully qualified class name description
Distributor Distributor 1:n 1:1 Code (teetime.stage.basic.distributor.Distributor)
JavaDoc (teetime.stage.basic.distributor.Distributor)
Passes the incoming element of its input port to one or all of its output ports. It selects the output port depending on the chosen distribution strategy.
Merger Merger n:1 1:1 Code (teetime.stage.basic.merger.Merger)
JavaDoc (teetime.stage.basic.merger.Merger)
Passes the incoming element of one of its input ports to its output port. It selects the input port depending on the chosen merge strategy.
TODO InitialElementProducer 0:1 0:1 Code (teetime.stage.InitialElementProducer)
JavaDoc (teetime.stage.InitialElementProducer)
This stage successively outputs the elements of its list and terminates afterwards.
TODO ObjectProducer 0:1 0:1 Code (teetime.stage.ObjectProducer)
JavaDoc (teetime.stage.ObjectProducer)
This stage creates an element of a given (primitive) type and sends it to the stage’s output port. This procedure is repeat for a given number of times. Afterwards, this stage terminates.
Collector Sink CollectorSink 1:0 1:0 Code (teetime.stage.CollectorSink)
JavaDoc (teetime.stage.CollectorSink)
Collects the incoming elements in an internal list.
Clock Clock 0:1 0:1 Code (teetime.stage.Clock)
JavaDoc (teetime.stage.Clock)
Outputs the current timestamp in a user-defined regular time interval.
TODO Counter 1:1 1:1 Code (teetime.stage.Counter)
JavaDoc (teetime.stage.Counter)
Counts the passed elements.
TODO Directory2FilesFilter 1:1 1:n Code (teetime.stage.io.Directory2FilesFilter)
JavaDoc (teetime.stage.io.Directory2FilesFilter)
Outputs the child files of the incoming directory. The recursivity and the output order can be configured.
TODO FileExtensionSwitch 1:n 1:1 Code (teetime.stage.FileExtensionSwitch)
JavaDoc (teetime.stage.FileExtensionSwitch)
Passes the incoming file from the stage’s input port to the stage’s output port which represents the file#s file extension.

* per single execution of the stage

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