Wednesday, 04.05.2016
- Christian
- Florian
- Sören
- Nelson
- Reiner
- Christian
- Current working status
- Florian: Kieker Analysis Eclipse-Plugin
- Requires: trace analysis stages
- Sören: Trace Analysis
- Requires: architecture visualization
- Nelson: TeeTime Architecture Visualization
- Florian: Kieker Analysis Eclipse-Plugin
- Determine next meeting => on demand: as soon as a new feature is ready
- Florian:
- Ticket über gitlab für Sören erstellen, wenn Feature nicht vorhanden oder Bug entdeckt
- Percent-Spalte entfernen
- Aufklappen von OperationCalls entfernen
- Sören:
- We will stick to the three levels “operation, component, node”; nested components and node groups can be derived by means of static and not dynamic information
- Wording: “dependency graph” for all visualizations with a parameter indicating the level which should be visualized
- SoftwareSystemCreator should be a composite stage; each aggregation step should be implemented in a dedicated stage from which the visualization can be generated
- Nelson:
- Grammar is still under development => Nelson triggers us when the Config DSL is ready to be used
- Florian and Sören will add feature tickets